Thursday 2 July 2015

We love spinning on the bars...

Room 24 can turn around on their axis...

Room 24 had an awesome time in the shady playground today experimenting with turning around...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Holly snapped her cracker into 2 halves...she knows 2 halve make a whole!

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Our Student Led Conferences...

Room 24 had a wonderful time sharing at our Student Led Conference

Look at our amazing shape pictures Room 24 made...